There’s a phrase Holy Spirit has been whispering to me all
“School of unpopular belief (thought)”.
Jesus was of this school.
He took everything man had known about God and turned it
He was (is) the New and Complete revelation of who God is.
He came and made God known.
No longer (only) a distant Divine being, but a personal,
nurturing, loving Friend.
The ways of man are not God’s ways, nor His thoughts man’s
And so, He came to earth so that man could know His ways and
His thoughts.
We have been given the mind of Christ (2 Corinthians 2:16 )
I have a devotional which was published in the 1930’s and
written by two women who recorded what Holy Spirit said to them for an entire
Here’s what I read this morning,
“Truly man’s thoughts are not God’s
thoughts, nor man’s ways God’s ways.
When you seek to follow Me in all, it frequently
means a complete reversion of the ways of the world…
but it is a reversion that
leads to boundless happiness and peace.”
This is the exact revelation Holy Spirit has been giving me!
In fact, yesterday He said to me,
“Man is arrogant in his
idea that he has Me all figured out;
that there is some formula to relationship
with Me which can be mass produced and copied.
Man places bonds upon man when
he “teaches” that
in order to have “right standing” with Me one must do
and that”, “thus and such”.
A heart which is truly humble realizes that one’s perception
and understanding
of who I AM today can (and will) change tomorrow
as I reveal to
them, more and more about Myself.
I never change, but man’s understanding of Me does.
This is
growth, progress, forward motion.
The one whose understanding of me never changes has grown
(And we know that stagnant water breeds disease).
Yes, there are fundamental Truths about who I AM,
but the
simple Truth is that Christ has given every one access to My throne
and whoever
trust in Him (John 3:16) has My constant guidance and council.
Jesus’ life on earth made Me known.
I am telling you this so that you will share it
and help the
captives realize that they have (already) been set free!”
Who am I that God would speak so freely to me?
~A beloved daughter of the Most High King
with access to all
of His riches and glory
~that’s who!
And you know what?
You’re a beloved child of this Most High King too!