Thursday, May 31, 2012

The End of Cynicism

Last evening I stopped by some friends’ house for a quick visit.
Just as I was getting ready to leave I heard some music. 
I looked around (and at my cell phone) for its source. 
Neither of my friends heard it, 
so we figured it had either come from a neighbor’s house or from a car that had driven by.

As I got into my car and began to drive away, I heard the music again. 
It was a soft “chimey” music with a chorus of voices in the distance. 
Once again, I looked around, checked my cell phone, and the car radio (it was OFF).

I drove home with my ears open and my mind turning.
It had occurred to me that I had heard music from heaven. 

I continued to listen all the way home and even after I arrived home, 
but I did not hear it again.

Then last night/early this morning,
 I had a dream about my mom (who is in heaven).
 There was another woman with her whom I could not see. 
But they were laughing joyous, raucous, laughter. 
I asked my mom who was with her. 
She turned and looked at me and said, “Oh Honey!”, then turned away. 
I simply replied, “Huh”. 
Then the dream ended.

When I got up this morning, the dream was fresh in my mind.
As I logged onto social media, 
I saw that someone had posted something about a person passing away,
 but did not mention a name. 
I knew immediately who it was and 
that she was the one with my mom in the dream!

I then proceeded to text message a friend who is related to the person whom I suspected
 and she confirmed that it was, indeed, whom I thought it was.

An hour or so later I thought about the music I had heard yesterday evening 
and it struck me that this dear friend had gone to be with Jesus
 at the precise time I had heard that music!

I had actually heard heaven welcoming my sweet friend 
into the presence of the Lord!

What an amazing privilege!

Why would God allow me such an honor?

Maybe because this woman was such a sweet friend to both my mom and to me.

Maybe because He delights in communing with His children 
and sharing intimate things with them.

Maybe because He is the same yesterday, today, and for forever. 

He did miracles then.
He does miracles today. 
He will continue to do miracles for forever.

And maybe it is because He is tired of the cynicism which surrounds us.

Two days before my mom left earth, 
Holy Spirit showed me, in a vision,
 what her entry into heaven looked like.

When she did leave,
 Holy Spirit (immediately) began revealing to me 
the cynicism within my own mind.
He began showing me things of heaven that my mind had previously resisted 
because of the corruption from outside influences.

Every day He reveals to me 
more and more 
of the Spirit realm 
and it is amazing.

He desires for His children to see Him in the fullness of His glory. 
He delights in sharing with them the “secret” things of heaven. 

Jesus made it possible 
and Holy Spirit is here to proclaim that 
the End of Cynicism is here and now!

As one determines to “put off” cynicism, 
Holy Spirit springs to action. 

The things He reveals to you may seem strange at first, 
but stick with Him!

For truly, 
the knowledge of the Lord
 is the best knowledge to obtain!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Marriage Confession

For the past several days, 
Holy Spirit has been reminding me of just how hard the enemy works 
at destroying marriages.

Because Jesus calls Himself the Bridegroom 
and us His Bride, 
Satan absolutely despises good marriages 
and will make all attempts to destroy them.

As I was thinking about all of the great (and valid) 
advice I could give for cultivating a healthy marriage, 
the Lord had me reflect upon the past twenty two years of 
my own marriage.

As I thought about how a good marriage must be both partners
 giving one hundred percent, 
one hundred percent of the time, 
the Lord brought to mind 
many of the sacrifices 
my dear husband has made on my behalf.

The things Holy Spirit brought to mind 
were things that I had not ever before thought of as
 “true sacrifices” but rather as “duty”.

As I pondered each thing God showed to me,
 I really listened 
as He revealed to me why 
the hubs sacrificed those things.

In each of the things He showed me, 
the deciding factor in my husband 
changing his mind,
 moving onto something else, 
giving up a particular pursuit, 
dream or friendship was
 – GULP – 
my own fear and selfishness
 – EEK!

Never once
 has my husband thrown those things in my face
 nor given into the temptation to resent or begrudge me.


My wonderfully loving husband 
has sacrificed so much on my behalf 
simply and miraculously because he loves me!

He loves me with the sacrificing love of Christ.
It is so very humbling and yet truly phenomenal.

And so, in return, 
I have determined that from this day forward,
 as he has done for me, 
I will actively demonstrate my love for him 
by looking to satisfy his needs 
while putting off my own selfish whims.

Because truly, 
this is the greatest secret
 to a happy and successful marriage!

Struggle & Strife

All around

Demanding rights
With an incessant need
To always be

Attempts at controlling
While failing to control

Without humility
There remains only

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

God Thoughts No. Sixty Two

I just love how the moment I am tempted to be 
thoroughly annoyed with a person;
Holy Spirit reminds me that He loves them 
just as much as He loves me.
I then allow all annoyance to fall away 
and I am restored to Peace.

God has no favorites.
He loves all of mankind completely and equally.
People may not like it,
But that is the Truth of it.

It is because of God’s perfect Love 
that Christ came.
While people may view the saying,
“Jesus hates sin but loves the one committing the sin,”
as cliché, 
it is absolutely true as well.

Jesus said that the world
 would recognize His followers 
by their Love for one another 
~and others.

He continually reminds me of this.
And as I am constantly aware of His presence in me,
I am better able to emulate His Love;
Thus, proving to the world, that Love truly does win.

He IS Amazing God!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

God Thoughts No. Sixty One

I have shared previously (and numerously)
 that several years ago the Lord began 
a paradigm shift in my thinking of and 
in my relationship with Him. 

In the midst of it, 
He told me to 
throw out everything I had ever been taught about Him 
and to allow His Spirit to show me who He really is.

As I have presumed to know nothing 
except Christ, 
it has become increasingly clear 
that because I, indeed, know Jesus, 
I know everything. 

As Holy Spirit reveals things to me (daily), 
I actually come into the fullness of the knowledge of Him.

It is a breathtaking and amazing experience. 
To describe this experience as “sublime” 
only begins to hint at the extraordinariness of it.

And equally amazing and exciting is that
 this knowledge of Him is available to every person.

Jesus came to make God accessible to everyone! 
He took what was “difficult” and made it 

It really IS as easy as saying, 
“Yes! I want to know You, Lord!”

He can’t help but answer the sincere heart-cry to know Him more.
In fact, He has implanted that desire into every living human being.
 And when that person responds 
to what He has already placed inside of him, 
Holy Spirit springs into action; 
exceedingly glad to be of service!


Want to know Him more?
Then ask!!! 
He WILL deliver!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

God Thoughts No. Sixty

When life becomes about nothing 
but Jesus, 
the Rest becomes easy.

These days
I find myself being tempted
to second guess
everything I am doing in my life.

Then Holy Spirit reminds me
that I am doing things according to
and all is well within me once again.

Jesus said, 
"Take My yoke upon you.
 Let Me teach you, 
because I am humble and gentle, 
and you will find rest for your soul. 
For My yoke fits perfectly, 
and the burden I give you is light." 
Matthew 11:29-30 

The world says, 
"You must do what you have to do in order to survive." 

But what I have learned to be True
is that all I have to do is
trust HIM
and He takes care of things.

His ways are as numerous as the stars in the sky
and as diverse as all of creation.

He knows the best ways 
to bring things about in our lives.

His ways are Perfect
and no one will ever convince me otherwise.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

God Thoughts No. Fifty Nine

I presume to know nothing -



 And He is 

~ Everything!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Dance Recital Tribute

This post is a video of my youngest daughter's solo performance at her yearly dance recital.
It is a tribute to my mom, her Nammie (grandma) who passed away September 7, 2010.
I am very proud of her!
The song is "One Step at a Time" by Four Year Strong and I have included the lyrics below the video.

Sometimes it's hard to say the right thing
The right way on the hardest day of your life
Breathe in, breathe out, it'll be okay
Breathe in, breathe out, I know it's hard to say

And every year November gets closer
And every year it gets a little bit colder
Breathe in, breathe out, it'll be okay
Be strong, hold on, make it through the day

One step at a time
One foot in front of the other
I'm gonna get through this one way or another
Cause I know it's warmer where you are
Cause no matter how far the view
I still always look up to you

Sometimes it takes a second to sink in
That your life is never gonna be the same again
Breathe in, breathe out, it'll be okay
Breathe in, they say the pain will fade away

And every year November gets closer
And every year it gets a little bit colder
Breathe in, breathe out, it'll be okay
Be strong, hold on, make it through the day

One step at a time
One foot in front of the other
I'm gonna get through this one way or another
Cause I know it's warmer where you are
Cause no matter how far the view
I still always look up to you

I'll never forget the day my heart fell from my chest
It was the moment that I said goodbye
And I laid your body to rest
I'll never take this life for granted
I'm living it for two
And since you're always the one who sang the songs
And I'll be singing this one for you

One step at a time
One foot in front of the other
I'm gonna get through this one way or another
Cause I know it's warmer where you are
Cause no matter how far the view
I still always look up to you
I'll always look up to you

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Wednesday evening has become the evening that my husband and I look forward to.
It is the night when the children are out for a few hours 
and it’s just the hubby and me 
(and the animals of course).

I have never been a woman to plan time away from her children, 
but instead, have learned to treasure and covet every moment with them 
(that’s another post for another time),
 but I do enjoy Wednesday evenings with my hubby!

Some Wednesdays we have really great conversation 
and catch up with each other on all that’s been going on in our lives;
 comparing notes, laughing, and sometimes crying together.

Some Wednesdays are “one-sided” conversations 
with one of us venting while the other listens.

And some Wednesdays are spent side-by-side on the sofa 
silently watching a movie while holding hands and simply “being” together.

Last night was one of the holding hands, movie nights. 

As my hubs reached over to hold my hand 
I looked at him and mentally poured my love out to him. 
He must have felt it 
because when he looked over at me, 
I could feel his love too. 

No words were needed. 
We simply sat, poured and received 
(all while watching a movie!).

As I was reflecting on it this morning, 
the Lord reminded me of how my marriage 
reflects my relationship with Him.

Some days the Lord and I  have great two-way conversations 
and some days I spout and vent.

Sometimes He does all the talking to 
(and through) me 
and sometimes we simply sit and “be” 
while pouring out our Love for one another.

In His infinite wisdom, 
God sent Jesus so that we could relate to Him 
and have personal relationship with Him.

 Jesus calls Himself the Bridegroom 
because a marriage is designed to be the most intimate of all relationships.
 And He desires intimacy with each of us.

Jesus is amazing!
He is Lover, friend, husband, daddy, healer, counselor;
 He is our All-in-All.

Do you know Him in this way?
If not, 
you can!
 It is never too late. 
He remains constantly by your side, 
waiting for you to tell Him 
that you desire to know Him more.

You won’t be sorry –
Simply say,
"I do"!
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