This is my last blog post for 2013.
Not sure what direction it will take for 2014
but I look forward to what God
is going to do with it.
The camera's perspective of this last sunrise for 2013
didn't even begin to capture the reality and vibrance of the pink and purple sky.
Hoping that in 2014 the veil will fall from our eyes
and that we choose to see things through the
reality of God's perspective.
May 2014 be a year where we make informed decisions
rather than blindly following the masses.
In 2014 may we live without fear;
knowing that when God is with us,
there is nothing to fear.
Praying that 2014 is the year where kindness
becomes "the norm"
rather than a "random act".
Look to and rely upon God in 2014
instead of on the government.
Rather than focusing our energy on judging others,
may 2014 be the year we focus on changing ourselves
(for the better!)
Every day of 2014 remember;
with God, NOTHING is impossible.
Allow any anger from 2013 dissipate
and allow 2014 to be a year full of happiness!
We all have something to offer one another.
Allow others to learn from you
while you learn from them.
In 2014 share what you have
and don't worry about what you don't have.
Whatever you give to others will be returned to you,
pressed down, shaken and overflowing!
We are each a beautiful creation;
a child of God.
Be kind.
Be encouraging.
God is good, kind and generous ~
Expect GREAT things!
Make it a great year!!!