No matter what, I praise God for all that He is because He is worthy. No matter what, I choose to see the goodness around me. No matter what, I praise Him for ALL things, both good and adverse.
Because of the promises in His written Word and because of the promises He daily whispers to my heart, I can say that I thank Him for it ALL!
Many would say that this has been a "bad" year and that they are ready to move on to better things. I say, this has been a year with both difficulties AND triumphs! Because I am in Christ Jesus, I can claim the promises of God. One Scripture that comes to mind is Romans 8:28 which promises that God works ALL things for GOOD to those who are in Jesus and who live by His Word.
Since the promises of God are true and trust-worthy, those who know Him as Messiah have no reason to be fearful or worrisome. Because nothing is impossible for Him, we ARE able to overcome every adversity. His Spirit is living and breathing. God in Heaven is not a god made of stone. He is flesh and blood, encompassing an ever passionate, beating heart.
Dear one, I pray that you may take comfort in these words; the promises of God. If you don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior, I encourage you to call out to Him. He WILL answer.
With a heart full of love, prayers and blessings - Merry Christmas to you!
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