Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What My Mom Taught Me

In the year since my mom left us to go take her place in heaven,
I have spent a great deal of time thinking about the things she taught me.
The one thing that resounds the loudest and most frequently
is that death is not something that has to be feared.

She believed the Scripture
and John 3:16 was a verse she held firmly to;
"For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten ([a]unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life."

There were times where she struggled in and with her faith
and questioned many things that she had been taught about God,
but she knew that Jesus loved her and as she grew in her relationship with Him,
she learned to rest in the fact that faith in Christ was her assurance of heaven.

Because of  this, I too learned that, for the one who believes in Jesus as Messiah,
there is absolutely no reason to fear death.
For, absence from this earth means presence with Him in heaven.

My mom has taken her place in heaven.
Though no longer on this earth,
she is alive in heaven and will one day return to rule and reign with Christ.
What a wonderful promise from a loving Father
to all of His children; attainable because of Christ by each one's choosing to believe in Him.
It truly is as simple as John 3:16 says.

Thank you Jesus!
And thank you, Mom, for teaching this to me.
If, when I leave this earth, my children have the same testimony of me,
 I will know that I have done my job well.

Love & blessings to you all!


  1. I love all the photos you included of your Mom. It added so much to your post.

  2. I can tell you loved your momma very much. what a beautiful legacy. The most important thing to pass on to our own kids. the love of Christ. His plan of salvation. To live for Him alone. though I did not know her, she radiates through these pictures and through the love & words you pour out throughout your blogs. You have done well to honor her on this one year anniversary of her passing. thank you for blessing me with your writings!


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And have a specially blessed day!

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