I'm not getting any direct answers, just some "random" thoughts...
Well, they're not really random since I am possessed by the Spirit of God and have purposed to take all thoughts captive as unto Christ. The thoughts running through my head are from Him. I'm simply wondering what it is He really wants me to share!
Since He gave me the title for this post right from the start, I suppose He wants me to share my most recent experience with you.
Late last week I felt myself spiralling into a pit of depression. There are many things going on in my life which have contributed to that spiral (details which I won't bore you with) however, upon recognizing what was happening, I cried out to God. I asked Him, "When did simply being Your child cease to be enough?! Why are there so many conditions to everything? I've done all I know to do!"
Over the next few days He led to me to Scriptures which speak of His kindness, His goodness, His gentleness and His unending love. He had me revisit Scriptures of the lives of renowned forefathers. He showed me how imperfect they were and how He remained faithful to them. He pointed out how He blessed them despite their short-comings. He had me read of how men fail men, yet He never fails. And most importantly, He said to me, "Lysa, I love you. I have never stopped loving you and I will never stop loving you. Remember the promises which I have made to you and hold fast to them. Run everything man says to you through the filter of my Spirit. I am good. I intend good things for you. I uplift and encourage. When I chasten, it is always with and in love. Listen to Me, Lysa and you will not be discouraged nor dismayed. My peace I give to you."
How gracious He is! I am so thankful that by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, I have direct access to my loving Heavenly Father!
And so do you dear reader. If you are struggling, I encourage you today to crawl into the lap and arms of your Heavenly Father and tell Him all about it. I guarantee you won't be sorry!