Philippians 1:21 says,
"For me to live is Christ [His life in me], and to die is gain [the gain of the glory of eternity]." AMP
It has been a recurring passage that Holy Spirit has been whispering in my ear and speaking to my heart.
He began to say it about a month or so before my mom passed away and continues to do so now.
As He does so, I think on it and ask Him to reveal it's deep meaning.
Here is what He has said and continues to repeat.
"To live on this earth is Christ. Jesus came from heaven to live on the earth for the benefit of man.
To die; leave this earth and to dwell in heaven is gain - man's gain. It is the promise that one hopes for and holds onto for his eternal life."
A life in Christ will sacrifice Self, not only for it's friend, but for it's enemy.
It will give of itself, continually, whether it receives anything in return or not.
This is Christ.
If you are living your life doing only what you're comfortable with, keeping "your own best interests" at the forefront of your mind and demanding your "rights", you are not living as Christ.
You are really only living for Self.
As one purposes to live as Christ, he must also look toward heaven as his hope and reward. Jesus said to look up, for your redemption is near!
It is the desire of the Father for His children to long to be in His presence, yet at the same time to desire to live Christ while on the earth.
Man, far too often, seperates heaven and earth; looking at them as two completely seperate entities that cannot co-exist. But remember, Jesus also said to pray for heaven to come to earth.
And promised that Holy Spirit has empowered us to bring it to pass.
As we live our lives as Christ we ought to do so boldly, proclaiming all the promises of God,
bringing Light, Hope and Renewal to a broken world.
Live a life driven by Faith
rather than a life paralyzed by fear.
This is Christ!